a T1-weighted and T2-weighted images, birth to age 2 years. Note doubling of overall brain size between birth and 1 year with more gradual growth after age 1. In the neonate T1 scan, note that most white matter is not myelinated and therefore appears darker than cortical grey matter. Myelination proceeds rapidly in the first year of life; at 1 year and older, white matter assumes the typical white appearance seen in adults. This rapid change in tissue contrasts presents challenges for image analysis. Also note the relatively thin cortical grey-matter rim in the neonate T1 scan; by age 1, grey-matter thickness has increased significantly, reaching near-maximal thickness. White matter is more intense than grey matter at birth; this pattern is reversed by age 1 year. b Regional expansion of cortical surface area from birth to 2 years derived from surface reconstructions of T2 (birth) and T1 (ages 1 and 2 years) scans, with greatest expansion in parietal, prefrontal and temporal regions. c Myelin maturation in the first year of life imaged with mcDESPOT (see Box 2). Myelination begins in central white matter and spreads peripherally. Part a is adapted from REF. 10. Part b is adapted from REF. 23. Part c is adapted from REF.33.
In-depth study of several contemporary programming languages stressing variety in data structures, operations, notation, and control. Examination of different programming paradigms, such as logic programming, functional programming and object-oriented programming; implementation strategies, programming environments, and programming style.
graphical rapid analysis of structures program 137
Introduction to the theory of programming language processors covering lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, intermediate representations, code generation, optimization, interpretation, and run-time support.
Techniques for efficient algorithm design, including divide-and-conquer and dynamic programming, and time/space analysis. Fast algorithms for problems applicable to networks, computer games, and scientific computing, such as sorting, shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, network flow, and pattern matching.
Algorithms and data structures for computational geometry and geometric modeling, with applications to game and graphics programming. Topics: convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, algorithms for triangulation, motion planning, and data structures for geometric searching and modeling of 2D and 3D objects.
Concepts in modern programming languages, their interaction, and the relationship between programming languages and methods for large-scale, extensible software development. Empirical analysis of programming language usage.
Covers fundamental concepts in the design and analysis of algorithms and is geared toward non-specialists in theoretical computer science. Topics include: deterministic and randomized graph algorithms, fundamental algorithmic techniques like divide-and-conquer strategies and dynamic programming, and NP-completeness.
Models for data analysis are presented in the unifying framework of graphical models. The emphasis is on learning from data but inference is also covered. Real world examples are used to illustrate the material.
The proliferation of long-read analysis tools revealed by our census makes a compelling case for complementary efforts in benchmarking. Essential to this process is the generation of publicly available benchmark data sets where the ground truth is known and whose characteristics are as close as possible to those of real biological data sets. Simulations, artificial nucleic acids such as synthetic transcripts or in vitro-methylated DNA, resequencing, and validation endeavours will all contribute to establishing a ground truth against which an array of tools can be benchmarked. In spite of the rapid iteration of technologies, chemistries, and data formats, these benchmarks will encourage the emergence of best practices.
MCODE cannot stand alone in this task; it must be combined with a graph visualization system to ease the understanding of the relationships among molecules in the data set. We use the Pajek program for large network analysis [40] with the Kamada-Kawai graph layout algorithm [41]. Kamada-Kawai models the edges in the graph as springs, randomly places the vertices in a high energy state and then attempts to minimize the energy of the system over a number of time steps. The result is that the Euclidean distance, here in a plane, is close to the graph-theoretic or path distance between the vertices. The vertices are visually clustered based on connectivity. Biologically, this visualization can allow one to see the rough structural outline of large complexes, if enough interactions are known, as evidenced in the proteasome complex analysis above (Figure 11C).
Visualization of networks was performed using the Pajek program for large network analysis [40] -lj.si/pub/networks/pajek/ as described previously [6, 10]. using the Kamada-Kawai graph layout algorithm followed by manual vertex adjustments and was formatted using CorelDraw 10. Power law analysis was also accomplished as previously described [6]. 2ff7e9595c